​Residential Painting
Painting your home is personal and important. At Palacios Painting, we want your home to be inviting and a safe haven. Trust our team to transform and bring your home back to life. We don't only paint and repair your walls, but we extend our services to whatever items may need painting in your home. We will complete the project with minimal interruptions.
Exterior Painting
Stucco repair and painting.
Siding Dry Rot Repair and Painting.
Fascia trims and window trim dry rot repair.
Door Refinishing.
Deck repair, paint, and staining.
Fence staining.
Rail Painting.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.
Pergola, Gazebo, and Trellis Painting.
Power Wash.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.
Exterior Painting
Stucco repair and painting.
Siding Dry Rot Repair and Painting.
Fascia trims and window trim dry rot repair.
Door Refinishing.
Deck repair, paint, and staining.
Fence staining.
Rail Painting.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.
Pergola, Gazebo, and Trellis Painting.
Power Wash.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.
Exterior Painting
Stucco repair and painting.
Siding Dry Rot Repair and Painting.
Fascia trims and window trim dry rot repair.
Door Refinishing.
Deck repair, paint, and staining.
Fence staining.
Rail Painting.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.
Pergola, Gazebo, and Trellis Painting.
Power Wash.
Epoxy and Concrete Staining.